Birding Tours to Europe, Africa, Asia, The Americas & Beyond!
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Upcoming Tours
20 July - 04 August 2025
A true adventure as we travel from the South Pare Mountains, to West Usambara & East Usambara Mountains, up into the Uluguru Mountains and finish up with a visit to the Ukaguru Mountains.
30 July - 16 August 2025
There are 13 recognised endemics (under IOC) in the country, with several others split by some authorities, as well as many other near-endemics. There are many mouthwatering species we will target including Angola Cave-Chat (photo above) TOUR INFO HERE
12 - 25 August 2025
Brazil really is the gift that keeps on giving. This is a tour designed to fill in your blanks from previous Brazil tours, with species such as White-browed Guan, Brazilian Merganser, Ocellated Crake, Blue-eyed Ground-Dove, Hyacinth Visorbearer, Cipo Canastero & more! TOUR INFO HERE
If you have any questions about any of our tours then just click on the link
28th July - 6th August 2025
A unique opportiunity for seabird enthusiasts to experience the fantastic seawatching potential in Oman. Visiting Al Fahal Island via boat, Masirah Island (inc return ferry trips), and 5 full days seawatching from a headland interspersed with 3 pelagics into the Arabian Sea. A truly groundbreaking trip in conjunction with Oman Birding in search of the unexpected!
Let's go birding! TOUR INFO HERE
Featured Tour
Following on from our successful Epic Cape Horn Cruises we've run for the past 3 years, we've now added this slightly different cruise to include 4 full days cruising amongst huge glaciers and icebergs where Antarctic & Snow Petrels reside and pods of Orcas hunt. Seabirds will be our focus with Light-mantled Albatross high on our wishlist but stunning Chinstrap Penguins also the some beating! The Drake Passage is awesome for some of the southern oceans most sought-after seabirds with Wandering Albatross, Antarctic Prion, Blue Petrel, Black-bellied Storm-Petrel and many others possible. Shore excursions will be made in Punta Arenas for Magellanic Plover, Ushuaia for Magellanic Woodpecker, the Falkland Islands for King Penguins, Montevideo for Snowy-crowned Terns and Buenos Aires for a variety of wildfowl, herons and passerines. It's truly going to be an epic adventure!