Birding Tours to Europe, Africa, Asia, The Americas & Beyond!

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Upcoming Tours

arabian grosbeak

04 - 17 November 2024

Gearing up for our 9th tour to this amazing country! Species such as Crab-Plover, Persian Shearwater, Desert Owl, Arabian Eagle Owl, Arabian Partridge, Persian & Arabian Wheatears, Hypocolius, Yemen Serin and much more!  Our last tour even saw Omani Owl.


sharpe's akalat

20 July - 04 August 2024

This is going to be great. The fabled Eastern Arc Mountains. Way off the beaten track and an adventure - who could resist? Searching for endemics in the Usambara, Uluguru & Ukagura Mountains. Plus the South Pare Mountains and ending with Pemba Island. Wow!


brasilian merganser

09 - 22nd September 2024

A targeted speciality & endemics tour inc an extension to Carajas. How about Brazilian Merganser, Ocellated Crake, Dark-winged Trumpeter, Blue-eyed Ground-Dove, Hyacinth Visorbearer, Cipo Canastero, Cock-tailed Tyrant, Maned Wolf and so, so much more!



masked shrike
Masked Shrike

15th - 23rd April 2025
As Kuwait is just inside the Western Palearctic boundary, there's a whole bunch of mega WP ticks just waiting for you. High up on the want list is Afghan Babbler, Basra Reed Warbler & Socotra Cormorant, along with Pallas's Gull, Bridled & Lesser Crested Terns, Black-crowned Sparrow-lark, Bank Myna, Ruppell's Weaver and possibly Crab-Plover too.   Let's go birding!   TOUR INFO HERE

bridled tern
Bridled Tern

Featured Tour

lesser masked owl
Lesser Masked Owl

MOLUCCAS  7th - 20th OCTOBER 2024

The region of Wallacea in Eastern Indonesia is a fascinating archipeligo of rarely visited, isolated islands that all have their own endemics and this tour visits several such islands beginning on Ambon for its sole endemic, Ambon White-eye. Moving on to Kai Kecil & Kai Besar via speedboat for a handful of endemics we will then head to Seram for 4 nights. Here we will look for the 15 or so endemics:  Seram Boobook, Salmon-crested Cockatoo, Blue-eared Lory, Seram Mountain-Pigeon, Seram Imperial-Pigeon, Streak-breasted Fantail, Seram Friarbird, Seram Honeyeater, Seram Leaf Warbler, Seram Bush Warbler, Seram Thrush, Seram Oriole, Rufescent Dark-eye, Grey-hooded White-eye and Long-crested Myna, We will then call into Boano for its endemic monarch before an exciting 5 night stay on Buru for 22 endemics: Buru Boobook, Buru Racket-tail, Black-lored Parrot, Blue-fronted Lorikeet, Buru Green-Pigeon, Buru Imperial Pigeon, Black-tipped Monarch, Buru White-eye, Buru Golden Bulbul, Buru Drongo, Buru Friarbird, Buru Flowerpecker, Buru Mountain Pigeon, Buru Cuckooshrike, Buru Bush Warbler, Buru Leaf Warbler,  Tawny-backed Fantail, Buru Oriole, Buru Jungle-Flycatcher, Buru Thrush, Buru Honeyeater, and the very rare Madanga (Rufous-throated Dark-eye) - formerly considered a white-eye, but now thought to be an abnormal, arboreal pipit. There is also a short extension to the Tanimbar Islands for 14 endemics: Tanimbar Megapode, Tanimbar Boobook, Tanimbar Corella, Blue-streaked Lorie, Tanimbar Cuckoo-dove, Tanimbar Friarbird, Fawn-breasted Thrush, Slaty-backed Thrush, Tanimbar Bush Warbler, Long-tailed Fantail, Loetoe Monarch, Tanimbar Flycatcher, Golden-bellied Flyrobin, Tanimbar Oriole, Tanimbar Starlings and White-browed Triller.This guarantees to be an exciting, endemic-filled ride visiting islands seldom visited by birders and sure to bump up your life lists!      MOLUCCAS TOUR INFO HERE

Explore the world with Zoothera Birding