Either for rarity value, excellent views or simply a group favourite:
- Variegated Tinamou
- Marail Guan
- White-crested Guan (ext)
- White-winged Potoo
- Rufous Potoo
- Chapman's Swift
- Fiery-tailed Awlbill (ext)
- Crimson Topan
- Fiery Topaz
- Sungrebe
- Dark-winged Trumpeter (ext)
- White-browed Hawk (ext)
- Amazonian Trogon (ext)
- Guianan Trogon
- Bronzy Jacamar
- Guianan Puffbird
- Spotted Puffbird
- Collared Puffbird (ext)
- Rufous-necked Puffbird (ext)
- Brown-chested Barbet (ext)
- Green Aracari
- Red-necked Aracari (ext)
- Guianan Toucanet
- Gould's Toucanet (ext)
- Golden-collared Woodpecker
- Lined Forest-Falcon
- Vulturine Parrot (ext)
- Short-tailed Parrot
- Festive Amazon
- Red-fan Parrot
- Golden Parakeet (ext)
- Hoffmans's Woodcreeper (ext)
- Long-billed Woodcreeper
- Rusty-backed Spinetail
- Red-and-white Spinetail
- Rio Negro Stipplethroat
- Ornate Stipplethroat (ext)
- White-eyed Stipplethroat (ext)
- Klage's Antwren
- Saturnine Antshrike (ext)
- Black-crested Antshrike
- Glossy Antshrike (ext)
- Harlequin Antbird (ext)
- Guianan Warbling Antbird
- Banded Antbird (ext)
- Spix's Warbling Antbird (ext)
- Xingu Scale-backed Antbird (ext)
- Alta Floresta Antpitta (ext)
- Amazonian Antpitta (ext)
- Black-bellied Gnateater (ext)
- Brownish Elaenia
- River Tyrannulet
- Pelzeln's Tody-Tyrant
- Painted Tody-Flycatcher
- Brownish Twistwing
- Amazonian Black Tyrant
- Todd's Sirystes
- Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock
- Spangled Cotinga
- Pompadour Cotinga
- Bare-necked Fruitcrow (ext)
- Crimson Fruitcrow
- Capuchinbird
- Black Manakin
- White-throated Manakin
- Yellow-crested Manakin
- Varzea Schiffornis
- Glossy-backed Becard
- Wing-banded Wren
- Musician Wren
- Oriole Blackbird
- Red-billed Pied Tanager
- Pearly-breasted Conebill
- Orange-fronted Yellow Finch
This day and a half saw the group meet up, apart from myself, and bird some areas close to Manaus including the MUSA Tower and some nearby trails. The group then left for Novo Airao and our base for the next couple of nights. Highlights from the start of the trip include Variegated Tinamou, Rufous and White-winged Potoo, Yellow-billed Jacamar, Todd's Sirystes, Golden-headed Manakin, Red-billed Pied Tanager, White-lored Euphonia and others.
So I finally caught up with my group after a protracted journey from Uganda and missing my connecting flight to Manaus from Sao Paulo resulting in a 2.30am arrival at the lodge near Novo Airao. Breakfast at 5am hurt a bit but we were scheduled for a morning boat excursion inside Anavilhanus National Park along the massive Rio Negro. With a beautiful red sunrise and Band-tailed Nighthawks all around we turned off the main river into a side channel where we spent most of the morning, notching up a delightful selection of Amazonian and more widespread species. Our excellent driver manoeuvred our boat with such skill between trees as we traversed through flooded varzea forest all morning and it was a real treat to be able to see so many excellent birds. We began in a more open area with a brief Sungrebe, followed by a flurry of activity very close in front of us with Spotted Tody-Flycatcher, Amazonian Inezia, Black-crested Antshrike, Cherrie’s Antwren, Blue-tailed Emerald, Red-capped Cardinal, Slender-footed Tyrannulet, Short-crested Flycatcher, Striped and Long-billed Woodcreepers, Greater Ani, flyover Plumbeous Kite, Festive Parrots, and numerous Yellow-rumped Caciques. We’d already seen our first of several Pink River Dolphins before moving to another area just inside the forest where a stunning Green-tailed Jacamar was posing beautifully, and where we saw the key endemic target Klage’s Antwren, as well as Leaden Antwren, Crested Oropendola, Black-chinned Antbird, Zimmer’s Woodcreeper, Spot-breasted Woodpecker, Blackish-grey Antshrike, a superb Common Potoo, Cinnamon Attila, Ash-breasted Antbird, and a flighty Varzea Schiffornis. Moving across into a different section of flooded forest, we came across the delightfully named Snethlage’s Tody-Tyrant close by and just before entering the arena of displaying Wire-tailed Manakins. These stunningly beautiful birds were all around us and looked for all the world like tiny red and yellow light bulbs in the gloomy forest. A Brown-throated Sloth provided some non-avian distraction at the same spot, and our excellent local guide Pablo called in a Speckled Spinetail here also. Nearby we visited a lek of Streak-throated Hermits that took some time for everyone to see well enough before we returned to the main channel, seeing a real wild Muscovy Duck and we followed this with several Plumbeous Kites and a Great Black Hawk overhead before returning to our waiting minibus. Amazingly it was 10.30am when we returned to the lodge, lunch was at 11.30am and we departed for our afternoon boat excursion at 3pm, leaving several hours for a sleep and a little birding in the large gardens.
Some decent birds were seen in the gardens, with pride of place going to a flock of Orange-fronted Yellow Finches, but there was also Variegated Flycatcher, Silver-beaked, Palm and Blue-grey Tanagers as well to keep the hardy amongst us busy. The afternoon was a little quieter as we searched for a couple of greenlets without success. But there were many other trip ticks and decent birds beginning with Swallow-wing Puffbird, White-winged Swallows were numerous, both Grey-breasted and Brown-chested Martins, Short-tailed and Band-rumped Swifts, a few Ringed Kingfishers, Hook-billed Kite, Swallow-tailed Kite, Orange-winged Parrots flew over, a group of Black-fronted Nunbirds provided quite the cacophony, Screaming Piha perched high up, Blue Dacnis, Squirrel Cuckoo, Green-backed Trogon, Yellow-headed Caracara, White-throated Toucans, Orange-cheeked Parrots, another Amazonian Inezia, a pair of Paradise Jacamars, a group of 3 Ivory-billed Aracaris and a Bat Falconhunting along the main river. We ended with many Band-tailed Nighthawks cruising by to end the day as we had begun and with a stunning sunset as well. What a day!
Headed to a nearby secondary forest after a 5am breakfast and walked along a fairly flat trail with dense secondary forest on either side. First bird we had was a pair of Black-faced Antbirds that took a while for everyone to connect with. A White-cheeked Antbird began calling whilst we were here and showed briefly, with a calling Dusky Parrot high overhead also being seen. Just around the corner a very vocal Yellow-browed Antbird was coaxed into view and he spent most of the time in the mid-canopy. A group of 3 White-fronted Nunbirds flew over us and landed in a bare section of a large tree beside the trail, before we well and truly nailed Cinerous Antshrike, followed by a cracking Pearly Antshrike. A Long-winged Antwren followed and shortly after we found two pairs of diminutive Rio Negro Stipplethroats right beside the trail. Higher up we saw a few female Blue-crowned Manakins, and then Chris found a pair of White-flanked Antwrens. A little later, at the end of the trail, our patience was eventually rewarded with prolonged scope views of a singing Musician Wren – who does that?! The walk back to the minibus was quick as we hadn’t actually walked any more than a kilometre the entire 5 hours but we did find Waved Woodpecker and a Lafresnaye’s Woodcreeper. High over the trail a fruiting tree was enticing a couple Paradise Tanagers, Spotted Tanager, Streaked Flycatcher, several Purple Honeycreepers and some more female Blue Manakins.
After lunch at the lodge we drove 2 hours to our next accommodation in Manacapura, which turned out to be something of a resort – much to our surprise. Anyway, at 3pm we all met up and began walking one of the many trails that can be found here. It was really hot and humid and within a few minutes we our shirts were beginning to get soaked with sweat. A tiny Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin took our minds off the humidity but it was slow going. We walked probably 3 kilometres at most and found activity to be slow all the way, with a Grey Antbird high overhead, a pair of Paradise Jacamars, a skulking Collared Gnatwren, Mouse-coloured Antshrike and a Yellow-throated Woodpecker the highlights. It was a relief to return to our air-conditioned rooms at 6pm for a warm shower but having a few beers in the restaurant to quench our thirst helped a lot!
Our day began at 5.45am as we waited in the grounds of the lodge for daylight and in particular for Fiery Topaz to show at it’s lek site. Well thankfully the birds performed on cue and at least one astonishingly brightly-plumaged male showed incredibly well right in front of us. There was also a female and an immature male present as well. Wow! As we walked to the dining area the gardens became alive with birds and in pretty quick fashion we saw Point-tailed Palmcreeper, Red-bellied Amazon, Sulphury Flycatcher, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, and a Wedge-billed Woodcreeper. After an excellent breakfast we were ready to hit the trails but not before a few Chestnut-eared Aracaris flew in and landed nearby, and as we watched them a Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet was spotted and some Short-tailed Swifts bombed overhead. The trails were quiet again and the humidity was high but we still managed to dig out a few good birds beginning with a Brownish Twistwing that incredibly everyone saw quite well. A Reddish Hermit feeding on a bright crimson bromeliad disturbed our concentration from a calling Brown Schiffornis, but it was the Lined Forest-Falcon that well and truly diverted our attention from the not-so-delightful schiffornis. The falcon flew over our heads twice before landing in full view high up in the canopy. Oh yes! Further along the trail a Ringed Woodpecker pecked at something on a bare branch right over the trail, a female White-crowned Manakin was a little uninspiring, a Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher was seen along with a Plain-brown Woodcreeper to round off our morning’s birding.
We had an hour to shower away the sweat and pack before lunch and then drove back towards Manaus and our next hotel for 2 nights. Along the way we stopped at a wetland, which proved to be surprisingly good and we added numerous species to our ever growing lists. We nailed Tui and White-winged Parakeets, with a few Short-tailed Parrots feeding in a cecropia tree nearby. A Yellow-headed Caracara flushed over 30 Sand-coloured Nighthawks from their rooftop roost and were absolutely stunning in flight. A White-throated Kingbird was pointed out by Pablo, a Savannah Hawk flew over, and there was also Orange-backed Troupial, Yellow-browed Sparrow, Lesser Hornero, Fork-tailed Flycatcher, some Orange-fronted Yellow-Finches, River Tyrannulet, Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet, many, many Smooth-billed Ani and a flyover Southern Lapwing. All that remained was to drive half an hour to our downtown Manaus hotel where we reached it at 5pm allowing us a leisurely evening, good food and just a few very cold beers!
Drove some 30 minutes to Manaus port where we boarded our boat for a trip over to Marchanteria Island. This isn’t an ‘island’ as you think of it…. Oh no, it’s a series of flooded areas with cecropia trees and flooded grassland under 6 feet of water and is where a number of Amazonian island specialists reside. The Amazon river at this point is well over a mile across and it’s phenomenal to be honest. Anyway, we managed to find a very good number of the key target species with Red-and-white Spinetail, Rusty-backed Spinetail, White-bellied Spinetail, Dark-breasted Spinetail, Amazonian Black-Tyrant, Brownish Elaenia, Black-and-white Antbird, the rare Green-throated Mango, and eventually everyone saw Lesser Wagtail-Tyrant (this race is a potential split). A fine supporting cast provided us with a many and varied list for this morning and here’s just a little selection: Buff-necked Ibis, Collared Plover, Black Skimmer, Large-billed Tern, Black-collared Hawk, Snail Kite, Amazon Kingfisher, White-winged Parakeet, Chestnut-fronted Macaw, Black-bellied Cuckoo, River Tyrannulet, Oriole Blackbird, Yellow-hooded Blackbird, Yellow-browed Sparrow and Lined Seedeater. The journey back to port was a bit interesting as the wind picked up and it was like sailing out in the ocean with large waves buffeting our small boat!
After lunch in a nice restaurant we drove to a trail, stopping at some roadside flowering trees that Pablo knew held the stunning Crimson Topaz. Sure enough we had views of a cracking male, along with Grey-breasted Sabrewing, Long-billed Starthroat, Black-throated Mango, with several Red-bellied Macaws flying past and landing nearby.
The trail wasn’t far away and it started off quite well with Fork-tailed Woodnymph, Channel-billed Toucan, Chivi Vireo and Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch. We came across a small flock that held Fulvous-crested and Turquoise Tanagers and we followed this with White-throated Toucan before finding an outstandingly beautiful Pompadour Cotinga feeding in a fruiting tree. Wow! A Yellow-green Grosbeak was next up, followed by Black-tailed Tityra and Guianan Trogon before the forest suddenly got really quiet. The next hour or so was slow going until we found a Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper, Long-billed Gnatwren, Guianan Warbling Antbird, Guianan Puffbird and a Black-throated Trogon. So not a bad day!
This was a much-anticipated day as we were visiting the famous ZF2 canopy tower. It was something of a surprise when our local guide, Pablo, told us last night that we’d need to check out of the hotel at 3.30am bags and all..!! Ouch! Well, we did and were on the road pretty promptly heading more or less in a northerly direction out of Manaus for about 75 minutes before pulling over on a side road. Here a trio of 4-wheel drive trucks were waiting to meet us and take us to the tower. It was an interesting 40 minute drive through the forest as the dirt road was very muddy and slippery and several timers we went sideways as the wheels lost traction, but we all made it unscathed in the end. We had a picnic breakfast at the base of the tower and waited for it to get light before walking up to the top of the 42-metre canopy tower, only to find the whole area enshrouded in mist. A frustrating hour followed as the light gradually increased and the mist thinned out a little. The first bird of the day seen was a pair of Red-necked Woodpeckers almost directly below us, followed by scope views of several calling White-throated and Channel-billed Toucans. Then Pablo drew our attention to a very close Glossy-backed Becard in the canopy of a tree right next to the tower and was almost at eye-level. A flurry of activity ensued with male Black-faced Dacnis, Golden-winged Parakeet in the scope, a close calling Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo, and a superb Ash-winged Antwren. Phew! Then a Guianan Toucanet was scoped, quickly followed by a Southern Mealy Amazon. Another quick flurry of new sightings followed with Yellow-throated Flycatcher, White-lored Tyrannulet, close Flame-crested Tanager, a male Black-capped Becard, Olive-green Tyrannulet, and a fine male Spot-backed Antwren. Pausing for breath we noticed the swifts flying around us at eye-level didn’t have pale rumps and were Chapman’s Swifts, and whilst watching them a Versicoloured Emerald was spotted feeding around a flowering tree below us. David scoped a pair of Blue-headed Parrots shortly after, before Pablo called in a superb Painted Tody-Flycatcher into one of the trees closest to us and just before a group of Marail Guans were found – and they eventually provided fantastic looks through the scope. The activity slowed down somewhat from 9am but a steady stream of notable sightings kept us going, and next up was a Grey Elaenia, followed by Paradise Tanager, and the first of many, many Pompadour Cotingas. A great pair of Golden-collared Woodpeckers appeared below us, along with a Yellow-throated Woodpecker, and just before one of the closet trees yielded Guianan Tyrannulet and Zimmer’s (Yellow-margined) Flatbill. A distant Red-throated Caracara was scoped before a group of Green Aracaris appeared, and David spotted both King Vulture and White Hawk perched in the canopy at some distance away. Pablo called in Black Nunbird, several Red-and-green Macaws flew around, a Double-toothed Kite soared overhead, Paradise Jacamar was scoped, a Black-bellied Cuckoo showed well along with a Yellow-green Grosbeak. But the star bird was undoubtedly Crimson Fruitcrow, a pair of which were scoped at length on a forested ridge to the west. What a bird and the cherry on top of a superb morning’s cake!
After an ‘interesting’ drive back along the slippery road we made it to our waiting minibus within 80 minutes and were soon on the road towards Presidente Figueraido, getting delayed by a car accident en-route. So we eventually arrived at our pousada where we’d be staying for the next 3 nights at a little after 2pm and went straight down to the restaurant. Later in the afternoon we walked a short distance out into the forest where we had unbelievably close views of Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock. At first we walked past two stunningly bright orange birds within 5 metres of the path who had formed a satellite lek. The main lek was another few hundred metres further on where over 11 males were displaying. It’s an almost unbelievable experience to witness with several males literally sitting on the forest floor and their strange calls echoing through the forest. Wow! We spent some time with these beauties before birding our way the short distance back to the lodge and notched up some really good birds. First of all a Northern Slaty-Antshrike sang above us and allowed good views, then a Bronzy Jacamar gave itself up easily, and we followed this with the bizarre Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin and a Black Manakin. It was just a shame the calling Pelzeln’s Tody-Tyrant didn’t come in. Back at the lodge we enjoyed some cold drinks whilst scanning the fruiting trees at the back of the restaurant where we saw White-necked Thrush and a fantastic Spangled Cotinga enjoying the bounty. Our search for Little Chachalaca proved fruitless but a few flyover Green Oropendolas kept our list ticking over nicely!
Boy was it a tough, slow morning’s birding today. We left our pousada at 5am and drove for around an hour to a wide forest track that passes through great forest – Pablo has even seen Harpy Eagle here in the past, so it must be good right? Well we started off with a calling Red-throated Caracara and Golden-green Woodpecker, followed by Black-headed Antbird and a cracking female Black-throated Antshrike. Just around the corner a Blackish Nightjar was flying around in broad daylight, but it wasn’t until our return that we found out why, as it had a nest right beside the track with a single egg in. But from here on in we struggled to see much at all. That being said another Crimson Fruitcrow was found in a tree above us and was about a mile closer than the pair from the canopy tower yesterday! The next few hours were hard and all we saw was Yellow-throated and Ruddy-tailed Flycatchers, Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper, Black-tailed Trogon, Black Nunbird, Chestnut Woodpecker, Bat Falcon, Screaming Piha, White Hawk and a pair of Guianan Puffbirds.
After lunch and a siesta back at the pousada we walked a nearby trail for a few hours and dug out two absolute corkers. First up was a Ferruginous-backed Antbird that walked along a mossy fallen trunk just a few feet away from us, and then a short while later a Wing-banded Wren performed in the same manner. So we headed back for an earlier dinner as it was approaching beer o’clock!
A singing Bright-rumped Attila was the first bird of the day as we walked to one of the pousada’s trails at 6am, followed by a pair of Guianan Warbling Antbirds and a Buff-throated Foliage-Gleaner beside the road. Walking up to the trail we stopped beside a large fruiting tree where several White-throated Manakins were feeding high up above us and we spent some time trying to improve on our views before entering the dark and gloomy trail. This was a little quiet and the only bird of note seen was a Double-banded Pygmy-Tyrant, so we returned to the lodge for a great breakfast during which we saw Buff-throated Saltator on the bird table, plus Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet, Sulphury Flycatcher, Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock, Spangled Cotinga, and the regular Grey-breasted Sabrewing at the feeder.
Heading out to trails in the white sand forest this afternoon we saw Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin again before getting scorching views of Yellow-crowned Manakin. It was just a shame that the calling Pelzeln’s Tody-Tyrant didn’t appear again. We tried the Capuchinbird arena but only heard it. So after lunch and a rest we tried again for the tody-tyrant without any joy before heading to the Capuchinbird stake-out, but only hearing it distantly once again. A close Spotted Puffbird was at least some form of compensation from our birdless walk so far! So we walked back to the lodge only for Pablo to say he was going to get some help from the lodge and make a path towards where the Capuchinbird was calling from and we were to continue birding. After some time he returned and said he’d found their newly relocated lekking area and if we wanted to see them then we would have to race back as the sun was setting beyond the horizon. So some of us dashed back through the forest and sure enough we did see several very weird-looking Capuchinbirds overhead and heard their weird calls to round off the day.
Our last day was something of a short one as we had to get Chris & Ian to Manaus airport for early afternoon so we had just a couple of hours birding. We met at 6am and walked along the entrance road a short way, where luckily we had a couple sightings of Little Chachalaca as it flew over us on several occasions. And then we headed for the white sand forest and our latest battle with Pelzeln’s Tody-tyrant. Well the bird won again and some of the group headed to the Capuchinbird lek site and enjoyed fantastic views of up to 8 birds, whilst myself, Chris and David stayed on for more punishment with Mr Pelzeln’s. However, this time after a protracted wait we actually saw the little bugger and returned to the dining area for a hearty breakfast in high spirits. That just left a quick shower, pack and load the minibus for the 90 minute drive back to Manaus. Dropping the guys off at the airport and then into the airport hotel for lunch and a nice long rest to prepare ourselves for the exciting days to come at Amazonia National Park.
With the main tour over it was time for the exciting extension to Amazonia National Park, which entailed a short 1h 15 mins flight to Itaituba where we arrived at 10.30am, met our driver and local guide Gilberto and drove just over an hour along a rather bumpy road to Pousada Portal Lodge. It was definitely hotter here but less humid thankfully and after dropping our bags into our rooms we had a quick look around the gardens that adjoin the huge Rio Tapajos. We were pleased to see White-banded and Black-collared Swallows flying around in front of us, and we scoped a Black Caracara across the river as well. After lunch we sat discussing the possibilities that lay ahead and noted Yellow-bellied Elaenia and Glittering-bellied Emerald in the trees in front of us before retiring to our rooms for a siesta.
We were off at 3.30pm and driving under half an hour to the Acalzal Trail where we began walking into the forest, seeing a Great Jacamar almost immediately. Nearby a pair of superb Spix’s Warbling Antbirds responded almost immediately to the tape and we enjoyed nice looks at them before continuing our walk. At a shady section of canopy we got to grips initially with a White-eyed Stipplethroat before Pablo declared that there was also a pair of Ornate Stipplethroats above us as well. We spent quite a while getting to grips with both species although mainly getting underpart views made it decidedly tricky. Within a hundred metres Gilberto was pointing to a looping vine not far away that had an absolutely awesome Rufous-necked Puffbird perched on it. Wow! But the best was yet to come as a bit further on an Alta Floresta Antpitta began calling, so we knuckled down for a game of cat-and-mouse which was eventually rewarded with everyone getting eyeballs on this absolute stonker! So by now it was 5.45pm and we headed back to the road, stopping along the way when a pair of Plain-throated Antwrens appeared and an Elegant Woodcreeper was spotted, along with a pair of Red-stained Woodpeckers to round off a brilliant bit of afternoon trail birding.
Out on the main park road we called in to the HQ to register our permits and took in the amazing view across the Rio Tapajos, before checking out a marshy area at dusk where a colony of Olive Oropendolas were present in a large tree. There was also a pair of Yellow-tufted Woodpeckers, and a Short-tailed Nighthawk flew over us. We celebrated our antpitta success tonight with Caipirinhas and beer before calling it a night.
Our first full day in Amazonia National Park was one we all looked forward to immensely. And after a 5am breakfast we were soon in the bus and off up the road into the park, however things didn’t quite go according to plan as the bus broke down. Whilst the driver fitted a new cam belt I played a few random owl calls and amazingly called in a pair of Spectacled Owls who posed beautifully in a large cecropia tree on the slope above us. After around half an hour we were on our way once more and as the day got lighter we saw a pair of Razor-billed Curassows walking along the side of the road, and shortly after Gilberto spotted a group of White-crested Guans in a tree next to the road. So we all jumped out and had superb views of up to 3 individuals. Upon arrival at the Capelinha Trail, which is the farthest of the trails visited, we began walking and spent a good couple of hours seeing some very, very good birds before the ridiculous noise from the cicadas made it impossible to hear any birdsong! Anyway, we got proceedings under way with a Spot-winged Antshrike high in the canopy over the trail, followed by a pair of Spix’s Warbling Antbirds, before walking briskly to a stake-out for Black-bellied Gnateater. Upon arrival, Gilberto proceeded to set up a temporary blind before playing the call once. And in popped the bird. And what a beast! Think of a gnateatear and you immediately picture a tiny round ball of feathers difficult to pick up in the gloomy understorey. Not this beast as its huge and obvious and sat out in the open for a good few minutes, moving from exposed perch to exposed perch for us before exiting stage left and leaving us with happy, smiley, gormless faces! Buoyed with our success we continued walking further into the forest , seeing bits and pieces such as Broad-billed Motmot, White-fronted Nunbird until we crossed a small stream and Gilberto pointed out a totally awesome White-browed Hawk perched above us. What a bird! At this point the cicada noise grew incredibly loud prompting Pablo to suggest we go elsewhere and our return hike to the bus was enlivened with a Long-tailed Woodcreeper and another Rufous-necked Puffbird.
So we drove to the Park HQ to look for Flame-crowned Manakin, which took all of 5 minutes to find and then wandered along a trail for a little way not expecting to find much in the heat. But a Natterer’s Slaty Antshrike was called in, along with a Ruddy Spinetail at the same spot. And then we became aware there was a fruiting tree next to us and stacks of birds began flying in. Some noisy Dusky-chested Flycatchers were joined by Ochre-bellied, Yellow-breasted and a Streaked Flycatcher, a Forest Elaenia, a Red-legged Honeycreeper appeared, 3 gorgeous Red-necked Aracari’s flew in, an immature Spangled Cotingaappeared, and 3 Santarem Parakeets were spotted quietly feeding right above us. The last new bird here was a White-necked Jacobin before we decided to return to the lodge for lunch. What a morning!
If anything, we raised the quality level this afternoon beginning with a pair of Brown-chested Barbets perched high up above us along a trail, with a Gould’s Toucanet at the same spot. Just around the corner a Banded Antbird performed admirably right in front of us, an Elegant Woodcreeper flew in and then things got really interesting. A Harlequin Antbird began calling just up ahead and we walked off the trail and tried to make ourselves a little more inconspicuous. After a short wait we located it calling away from a horizontal branch amongst some leafy bushes about 30 feet away. Wow! As we walked back to the bus Vulturine Parrot called from high up in the canopy and after a bit of manoeuvring we had excellent views of this speciality. Back out on the road we had a Dark-billed Cuckoo and Amazonian Pygmy-Owl, before dropping into another side trail where Amazonian Antpitta popped up onto some horizontal vines right in front of us in the fading light and by the nearby bridge a Rufescent Tiger-Heron was stood beside a small waterfall. I can tell you we celebrated with a few caipirinhas this evening!
We birded the Gameleira Trail this morning, arriving at the viewpoint overlooking the Rio Tapajos at sunrise, which was rather spectacular. As soon as we entered the trail a White-crested Guan was seen in a large tree showing well in the sunlight. Once we had walked in further we came across a flock that held Saturnine Antshrike, Dot-winged Antwren, a few Rufous-rumped Foliage-Gleaners, an Amazonian Trogon, a very brief Xingu Scale-backed Antbird, Plain-throated Antwren and Yellow-throated Woodpecker. We spent quite some time with this group before walking on until we heard some Golden Parakeets flying over. Quick as ever, Pablo fired off the call and the birds seemed to have perched up nearby as we could still hear one or two calls. After a few minutes of walking quietly closer we came directly beneath the tree we thought they were in and through a few small gaps in the canopy could see some incredibly bright yellow blobs above us. And there they were. Wow! Golden Parakeetsin all their glory and what a stunner! Moving on we had Rufous Motmot, Plumbeous Pigeon, some Red-necked Aracaris, Green-backed Trogon, Chestnut Woodpecker, Rusty-belted Tapaculo and a cracking Snow-capped Manakin before walking back towards the entrance of the trail. The return walk gave us Long-winged Antwren, Spix’s Warbling Antbird, Reddish Hermit, White-flanked Antwren, Cinereous Antshrike, Olivaceous Woodcreeper, Snethlage’s Tody-Tyrant and a female Fiery-tailed Awlbill. What a morning. Amazonia National Park really is the gift that keeps on giving.
We spent the afternoon along the Trans-Amazonica Highway looking for fruiting trees and potential sites to stake-out for White-tailed Cotinga. No cotingas were forthcoming but we did find a large fruiting tree that we watched for several hours, during which time we saw our one and only Red-headed Manakin, and our first Crimson-crested Woodpecker, Strong-billed Woodcreeper and Black-necked Aracari. Other species coming in to feed included Spangled Cotinga, Dusky-chested Flycatcher, Channel-billed Toucan, many Blue-headed Parrots, Gould’s Toucanet and Santarem Parakeets. We also noted flyby Scarlet Macaws and Southern Mealy Amazons, with a group of White-crested Guans feeding in another tree just a short distance along the road. A spot of owling on the return journey to the lodge resulted in fantastic views of Southern Tawny-bellied Screech-Owlto round off another superb day in Amazonia National Park.
A slow morning really as we birded along another trail. It began brightly with some calling Green-winged (Dark-winged) Trumpeters that some of us saw in the early morning gloom. A Hoffmanns’s Woodcreeper followed, along with Elegant Woodcreeper, Cinereous Antshrike and a Long-winged Antwren. A calling Cryptic Forest-Falcon remained just a voice in the distance unfortunately. We walked quite a way before getting brief looks at Black-spotted Bare-eye, and I think only I saw a Rufous-capped Antthrush but a little further on a stonking Collared Puffbird was tracked down way above us in the canopy of some really tall trees. Further on, at a clearing where we could look across the valley, we saw Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, Gould’s Toucanet, Lafresnaye’s Woodcreeper, some soaring Swallow-tailed and Plumbeous Kites and a distant Golden-green Woodpecker. Reaching the end of the trail it was a relief to see we had rejoined the road from a different place and didn’t have to retrace our steps many kilometres. We drove down to one of the bridges and scanned the surrounding area from the shade and were lucky to see a bunch of new birds for the trip beginning with a group of Bare-necked Fruitcrows, followed by Masked Tityra, Pied Puffbird, Epaulet Oriole and Rufous-bellied Euphonia, with another much closer female Fiery-tailed Awlbill. We do love a bit of padding!
After lunch and a siesta we got on a boat and sailed across the Rio Tapajos where we visited several small islands. The first island gave us the local subspecies (and soon to be split) Blackish-grey Antshrike, a pair of which showed really well. Flame-crowned Manakin, Striped Woodcreeper and Amazonian Streaked Antwren followed. The second island was birdless so we sailed to a third where we scanned from the sandy beach. Some terns could be seen downriver so Bart and I sailed down to get close to our first Yellow-billed Tern sat amongst some Large-billed Terns and Black Skimmers. Sailing back to join the guys we passed a small island where around 40+ Sand-coloured Nighthawks were roosting and took flight as we passed by in spectacular fashion. We got the others and returned, only to find a rare Southern Martin had been seen by them, but we all had close views of the nighthawks and as we headed back across the river to the lodge passed a tree dripping with Grey-breasted Martins. They all took flight and unbelievably another Southern Martin flew right across in front of us. The light out on the river was extraordinarily beautiful this evening and it was a pleasure just being out on a boat in the Amazon! Back ashore some Turquoise Tanagers were seen, as well as our first Speckled Chachalacas. After dinner we called in a Tropical Screech-Owl to round off the day’s proceedings.
Our final trail hike of the tour took us along the Tracoa Trail, which proved to be a little slow. It took a while to actually see any birds at all and there wasn’t much calling at all for ages. Eventually, we tracked down a calling Barred Forest-Falcon, followed by a cracking Amazonian Antshrike, Striped Woodcreeper, Band-tailed Antbird, Dot-winged Antwren and Glossy Antshrike along a pretty productive section of trail. Walking back and we saw a fantastic Long-billed Woodcreeper very well, but a Hauxwell’s Thrush just flew around us without perching in the open at all. A short while later a Rose-breasted Chat did the same frustrating thing, whilst a Long-tailed Hermit appeared. But we didn’t go out with a whimper as we had a pair of Moustached Wrens, Long-billed Gnatwren at point-blank range and ended the tour with nice views of Amazonian Antpitta again (incredible huh). All that remained was to return to the lodge, shower, pack and have lunch before loading the luggage onto the bus and driving back to Itaituba. Here we had a private charter 9-seat Sessna plane to take us back to Manaus. The flight took around 85 minutes and flew the entire journey over the Amazonian rainforest, which was only broken up by numerous rivers, lakes and side channels making for a fascinating and eye-opening journey. Upon arrival at our hotel in Manaus we shared one final beer together before departing our separate ways.
Great Tinamou Tinamus major
Cinereous Tinamou (H) Crypturellus cinereus
Undulated Tinamou (H) Crypturellus undulatus
Variegated Tinamou Crypturellus variegatus
Black-bellied Whistling Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis
Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata
Speckled Chachalaca Ortalis guttata
Little Chachalaca Ortalis motmot
Marail Guan Penelope marail
White-crested Guan (E) Penelope pileata
Razor-billed Curassow Mitu tuberosum
GALLIFORMES: Odontophoridae
Marbled Wood Quail (H) Odontophorus gujanensis
Sand-colored Nighthawk Chordeiles rupestris
Lesser Nighthawk Chordeiles acutipennis
Short-tailed Nighthawk Lurocalis semitorquatus
Band-tailed Nighthawk Nyctiprogne leucopyga
Blackish Nightjar Nyctipolus nigrescens
Pauraque Nyctidromus albicollis
Common Potoo Nyctibius griseus
White-winged Potoo Nyctibius leucopterus
Rufous Potoo Nyctibius bracteatus
Band-rumped Swift Chaetura spinicaudus
Chapman's Swift Chaetura chapmani
Short-tailed Swift Chaetura brachyura
Neotropical Palm Swift Tachornis squamata
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift Panyptila cayennensis
APODIFORMES: Trochilidae
Crimson Topaz Topaza pella
Fiery Topaz Topaza pyra
White-necked Jacobin Florisuga mellivora
Streak-throated Hermit Phaethornis rupurumii
Reddish Hermit Phaethornis ruber
Long-tailed Hermit Phaethornis superciliosus
Fiery-tailed Awlbill Avocettula recurvirostris
Black-throated Mango Anthracothorax nigricollis
Green-throated Mango Anthracothorax viridigula
Long-billed Starthroat Heliomaster longirostris
Blue-tailed Emerald Chlorostilbon mellisugus
Grey-breasted Sabrewing Campylopterus largipennis
Fork-tailed Woodnymph Thalurania furcata
Versicolored Emerald Chrysuronia versicolor
Glittering-throated Emerald Chionomesa fimbriata
Blue-chinned Sapphire Chlorestes notata
Greater Ani Crotophaga major
Smooth-billed Ani Crotophaga ani
Squirrel Cuckoo Piaya cayana
Black-bellied Cuckoo Piaya melanogaster
Dark-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus melacoryphus
Rock Dove Columba livia
Pale-vented Pigeon Patagioenas cayennensis
Plumbeous Pigeon Patagioenas plumbea
Ruddy Pigeon Patagioenas subvinacea
Ruddy Ground Dove Columbina talpacoti
GRUIFORMES: Heliornithidae
Sungrebe Heliornis fulica
Purple Gallinule Porphyrio martinica
GRUIFORMES: Psophiidae
Dark-winged Trumpeter (Ext) Psophia viridis
CHARADRIIFORMES: Recurvirostridae
Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus
Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis
Collared Plover Charadrius collaris
Wattled Jacana Jacana jacana
Black Skimmer Rynchops niger
Yellow-billed Tern Sternula superciliaris
Large-billed Tern Phaetusa simplex
SULIFORMES: Anhingidae
Anhinga Anhinga anhinga
SULIFORMES: Phalacrocoracidae
Neotropic Cormorant Nannopterum brasilianum
PELECANIFORMES: Threskiornithidae
Buff-necked Ibis Theristicus caudatus
Rufescent Tiger Heron Tigrisoma lineatum
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
Striated Heron Butorides striata
Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
Cocoi Heron Ardea cocoi
Great Egret Ardea alba
Snowy Egret Egretta thula
King Vulture Sarcoramphus papa
Black Vulture Coragyps atratus
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture Cathartes burrovianus
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Cathartes melambrotus
Western Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Hook-billed Kite Chondrohierax uncinatus
Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus
Double-toothed Kite Harpagus bidentatus
Plumbeous Kite Ictinia plumbea
Black-collared Hawk Busarellus nigricollis
Snail Kite Rostrhamus sociabilis
Savanna Hawk Buteogallus meridionalis
Great Black Hawk Buteogallus urubitinga
Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris
White Hawk Pseudastur albicollis
Black-faced Hawk Leucopternis melanops
White-browed Hawk Leucopternis kuhli
Short-tailed Hawk Buteo brachyurus
Amazonian Pygmy Owl Glaucidium hardyi
Tropical Screech Owl Megascops choliba
Tawny-bellied Screech Owl Megascops watsonii
Spectacled Owl Pulsatrix perspicillata
Pavonine Quetzal (H) Pharomachrus pavoninus
Black-tailed Trogon Trogon melanurus
Green-backed Trogon Trogon viridis
Amazonian Trogon Trogon ramonianus
Guianan Trogon Trogon violaceus
Black-throated Trogon Trogon rufus
Amazon Kingfisher Chloroceryle amazona
Green Kingfisher Chloroceryle americana
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher Chloroceryle inda
Ringed Kingfisher Megaceryle torquata
Amazonian Motmot (H) Momotus momota
Rufous Motmot Baryphthengus martii
Broad-billed Motmot Electron platyrhynchum
PICIFORMES: Galbulidae
Yellow-billed Jacamar Galbula albirostris
Green-tailed Jacamar Galbula galbula
Bronzy Jacamar Galbula leucogastra
Paradise Jacamar Galbula dea
Great Jacamar Jacamerops aureus
PICIFORMES: Bucconidae
White-necked Puffbird Notharchus hyperrhynchus
Guianan Puffbird Notharchus macrorhynchos
Pied Puffbird Notharchus tectus
Spotted Puffbird Bucco tamatia
Collared Puffbird Bucco capensis
Rufous-necked Puffbird Malacoptila rufa
Black Nunbird Monasa atra
Black-fronted Nunbird Monasa nigrifrons
White-fronted Nunbird Monasa morphoeus
Swallow-winged Puffbird Chelidoptera tenebrosa
PICIFORMES: Capitonidae
Brown-chested Barbet (E) (Ext) Capito brunneipectus
Black-spotted Barbet Capito niger
Gilded Barbet (H) Capito auratus
PICIFORMES: Ramphastidae
Green Aracari Pteroglossus viridis
Red-necked Aracari Pteroglossus bitorquatus
Ivory-billed Aracari Pteroglossus azara
Black-necked Aracari Pteroglossus aracari
Chestnut-eared Aracari Pteroglossus castanotis
Guianan Toucanet Selenidera piperivora
Gould's Toucanet Selenidera gouldii
Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus
White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus
Golden-spangled Piculet (H) Picumnus exilis
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker Melanerpes cruentatus
Red-stained Woodpecker Veniliornis affinis
Golden-collared Woodpecker Veniliornis cassini
Yellow-throated Woodpecker Piculus flavigula
Bar-throated Woodpecker Piculus capistratus
Golden-green Woodpecker Piculus chrysochloros
Spot-breasted Woodpecker Colaptes punctigula
Waved Woodpecker Celeus undatus
Chestnut Woodpecker Celeus elegans
Ringed Woodpecker Celeus torquatus
Red-necked Woodpecker Campephilus rubricollis
Crimson-crested Woodpecker Campephilus melanoleucos
Black Caracara Daptrius ater
Red-throated Caracara Ibycter americanus
Yellow-headed Caracara Milvago chimachima
Barred Forest Falcon Micrastur ruficollis
Lined Forest Falcon Micrastur gilvicollis
Cryptic Forest Falcon (H) (Ext) Micrastur mintoni
Bat Falcon Falco rufigularis
Tui Parakeet Brotogeris sanctithomae
White-winged Parakeet Brotogeris versicolurus
Golden-winged Parakeet Brotogeris chrysoptera
Orange-cheeked Parrot Pyrilia barrabandi
Caica Parrot (H) Pyrilia caica
Vulturine Parrot (E) Pyrilia vulturina
Dusky Parrot Pionus fuscus
Blue-headed Parrot Pionus menstruus
Short-tailed Parrot Graydidascalus brachyurus
Festive Amazon Amazona festiva
Southern Mealy Amazon Amazona farinosa
Orange-winged Amazon Amazona amazonica
Red-fan Parrot Deroptyus accipitrinus
Santarem Parakeet Pyrrhura amazonum
Red-bellied Macaw Orthopsittaca manilatus
Chestnut-fronted Macaw Ara severus
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao
Red-and-green Macaw Ara chloropterus
Golden Parakeet (E) Guaruba guarouba
White-eyed Parakeet Psittacara leucophthalmus
Olivaceous Woodcreeper Sittasomus griseicapillus
Long-tailed Woodcreeper Deconychura longicauda
Plain-brown Woodcreeper Dendrocincla fuliginosa
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Glyphorynchus spirurus
Long-billed Woodcreeper Nasica longirostris
Amazonian Barred Woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes certhia
Black-banded Woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes picumnus
Hoffmanns's Woodcreeper (E) Dendrocolaptes hoffmannsi
Strong-billed Woodcreeper Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus
Striped Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus obsoletus
Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus pardalotus
Elegant Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus elegans
Buff-throated Woodcreeper (H) Xiphorhynchus guttatus
Lafresnaye’s Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus guttatoides
Straight-billed Woodcreeper Dendroplex picus
Zimmer's Woodcreeper Dendroplex kienerii
Guianan Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes albolineatus
Slender-billed Xenops Xenops tenuirostris
Point-tailed Palmcreeper Berlepschia rikeri
Lesser Hornero Furnarius minor
Rufous-rumped Foliage-gleaner Philydor erythrocercum
Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner Automolus ochrolaemus
Rusty-backed Spinetail Cranioleuca vulpina
Speckled Spinetail Cranioleuca gutturata
Red-and-white Spinetail Certhiaxis mustelinus
White-bellied Spinetail Mazaria propinqua
Dark-breasted Spinetail Synallaxis albigularis
Ruddy Spinetail Synallaxis rutilans
PASSERIFORMES: Thamnophilidae
Ash-winged Antwren Euchrepomis spodioptila
Spot-winged Antshrike Pygiptila stellaris
Dot-winged Antwren Microrhopias quixensis
White-eyed Stipplethroat Epinecrophylla leucophthalma
Rio Negro (Rufous-backed) Stipplethroat Epinecrophylla haematonota
Ornate Stipplethroat Epinecrophylla ornata
Amazonian Streaked Antwren Myrmotherula multostriata
Cherrie's Antwren Myrmotherula cherriei
Klages's Antwren (E) Myrmotherula klagesi
White-flanked Antwren Myrmotherula axillaris
Long-winged Antwren Myrmotherula longipennis
Leaden Antwren Myrmotherula assimilis
Black-and-white Antbird Myrmochanes hemileucus
Banded Antbird Dichrozona cincta
Plain-throated Antwren Isleria hauxwelli
Dusky-throated Antshrike Thamnomanes ardesiacus
Saturnine Antshrike Thamnomanes saturninus
Cinereous Antshrike Thamnomanes caesius
Pearly Antshrike Megastictus margaritatus
Spot-backed Antwren Herpsilochmus dorsimaculatus
Blackish-grey Antshrike Thamnophilus nigrocinereus
Mouse-colored Antshrike Thamnophilus murinus
Northern Slaty Antshrike Thamnophilus punctatus
Natterer's Slaty Antshrike Thamnophilus stictocephalus
Amazonian Antshrike Thamnophilus amazonicus
Black-crested Antshrike Sakesphorus canadensis
Glossy Antshrike (E) Sakesphorus luctuosus
Great Antshrike (H) Taraba major
Black-throated Antshrike Frederickena viridis
White-cheeked Antbird Gymnopithys leucaspis
Harlequin Antbird (E) Rhegmatorhina berlepschi
Black-spotted Bare-eye Phlegopsis nigromaculata
Common Scale-backed Antbird Willisornis poecilinotus
Xingu Scale-backed Antbird (E) Willisornis vidua
Guianan Warbling Antbird Hypocnemis cantator
Spix's Warbling Antbird (E) Hypocnemis striata
Yellow-browed Antbird Hypocnemis hypoxantha
Grey Antbird Cercomacra cinerascens
Ferruginous-backed Antbird Myrmoderus ferrugineus
Black-chinned Antbird Hypocnemoides melanopogon
Band-tailed Antbird Hypocnemoides maculicauda
Black-faced Antbird Myrmoborus myotherinus
Ash-breasted Antbird Myrmoborus lugubris
Black-headed (Hellmayr’s) Antbird Percnostola rufifrons
PASSERIFORMES: Formicariidae
Rufous-capped Antthrush Formicarius colma
Alta Floresta Antpitta (E) Hylopezus whittakeri
Amazonian Antpitta Hylopezus berlepschi
Thrush-like Antpitta (H) Myrmothera campanisona
Tapajos Antpitta (H) (E) Myrmothera subcanescens
PASSERIFORMES: Conopophagidae
Black-bellied Gnateater Conopophaga melanogaster
PASSERIFORMES: Rhinocryptidae
Rusty-belted Tapaculo Liosceles thoracicus
Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet Tyrannulus elatus
Forest Elaenia Myiopagis gaimardii
Grey Elaenia Myiopagis caniceps
Yellow-bellied Elaenia Elaenia flavogaster
Brownish Elaenia Elaenia pelzelni
White-lored Tyrannulet Ornithion inerme
Southern Beardless Tyrannulet Camptostoma obsoletum
River Tyrannulet Serpophaga hypoleuca
Mouse-colored Tyrannulet Phaeomyias murina
Lesser Wagtail-Tyrant Stigmatura napensis
Slender-footed Tyrannulet Zimmerius gracilipes
Guianan Tyrannulet Zimmerius acer
Olive-green Tyrannulet Phylloscartes virescens
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Mionectes oleagineus
Amazonian Inezia Inezia subflava
Snethlage's Tody-Tyrant Hemitriccus minor
Pelzeln's Tody-Tyrant (E) Hemitriccus inornatus
Double-banded Pygmy Tyrant Lophotriccus vitiosus
Spotted Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum maculatum
Painted Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum pictum
Brownish Twistwing Cnipodectes subbrunneus
Zimmer's (Yellow-margined) Flatbill Tolmomyias assimilis
Ochre-lored (Yellow-breasted) Flatbill Tolmomyias flaviventris
White-crested Spadebill (H) Platyrinchus platyrhynchos
Amazonian Black Tyrant Knipolegus poecilocercus
White-headed Marsh Tyrant Arundinicola leucocephala
Piratic Flycatcher Legatus leucophaius
Social Flycatcher Myiozetetes similis
Dusky-chested Flycatcher Myiozetetes luteiventris
Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus
Lesser Kiskadee (H) Philohydor lictor
Yellow-throated Flycatcher Conopias parvus
Streaked Flycatcher Myiodynastes maculatus
Sulphury Flycatcher Tyrannopsis sulphurea
Variegated Flycatcher Empidonomus varius
White-throated Kingbird Tyrannus albogularis
Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus
Fork-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus savana
Greyish Mourner (H) Rhytipterna simplex
Todd's Sirystes Sirystes subcanescens
Swainson's Flycatcher Myiarchus swainsoni
Short-crested Flycatcher Myiarchus ferox
Cinnamon Attila Attila cinnamomeus
Bright-rumped Attila Attila spadiceus
Guianan Cock-of-the-rock Rupicola rupicola
Crimson Fruitcrow Haematoderus militaris
Capuchinbird Perissocephalus tricolor
Screaming Piha Lipaugus vociferans
Spangled Cotinga Cotinga cayana
Bare-necked Fruitcrow Gymnoderus foetidus
Pompadour Cotinga Xipholena punicea
Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin Tyranneutes stolzmanni
Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin Neopelma chrysocephalum
White-throated Manakin Corapipo gutturalis
Black Manakin Xenopipo atronitens
Blue-crowned Manakin Lepidothrix coronata
Snow-capped Manakin (E) Lepidothrix nattereri
Yellow-crested Manakin Heterocercus flavivertex
Flame-crested Manakin Heterocercus linteatus
Wire-tailed Manakin Pipra filicauda
White-crowned Manakin Pseudopipra pipra
Golden-headed Manakin Ceratopipra erythrocephala
Red-headed Manakin Ceratopipra rubrocapilla
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher Terenotriccus erythrurus
Black-tailed Tityra Tityra cayana
Masked Tityra Tityra semifasciata
Varzea Schiffornis Schiffornis major
Brown-winged Schiffornis Schiffornis turdina
Black-capped Becard Pachyramphus marginatus
Glossy-backed Becard Pachyramphus surinamus
Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo Vireolanius leucotis
Grey-chested Greenlet Hylophilus semicinereus
Buff-cheeked Greenlet Pachysylvia muscicapina
Chivi Vireo Vireo chivi
White-winged Swallow Tachycineta albiventer
White-banded Swallow Atticora fasciata
Black-collared Swallow Pygochelidon melanoleuca
Southern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx ruficollis
Brown-chested Martin Progne tapera
Southern Martin Progne elegans
Grey-breasted Martin Progne chalybea
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
PASSERIFORMES: Troglodytidae
Thrush-like Wren (H) Campylorhynchus turdinus
Moustached Wren Pheugopedius genibarbis
House Wren Troglodytes aedon
Wing-banded Wren Microcerculus bambla
Musician Wren Cyphorhinus arada
PASSERIFORMES: Polioptilidae
Trilling (Long-billed) Gnatwren Ramphocaenus melanurus
Collared Gnatwren Microbates collaris
Black-billed Thrush Turdus ignobilis
White-necked Thrush Turdus albicollis
Hauxwell's Thrush Turdus hauxwelli
House Sparrow Passer domesticus
White-lored (Golden-bellied) Euphonia Euphonia chrysopasta
Rufous-bellied Euphonia Euphonia rufiventris
PASSERIFORMES: Passerellidae
Yellow-browed Sparrow Ammodramus aurifrons
Red-breasted Blackbird Leistes militaris
Crested Oropendola Psarocolius decumanus
Green Oropendola Psarocolius viridis
Olive Oropendola Psarocolius bifasciatus
Yellow-rumped Cacique Cacicus cela
Orange-backed Troupial Icterus croconotus
Epaulet Oriole Icterus cayanensis
Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis
Oriole Blackbird Gymnomystax mexicanus
Yellow-hooded Blackbird Chrysomus icterocephalus
Masked Yellowthroat Geothlypis aequinoctialis
PASSERIFORMES: Mitrospingidae
Red-billed Pied Tanager Lamprospiza melanoleuca
Rose-breasted Chat Granatellus pelzelni Poor views on the last morning at Amazonia NP
Yellow-green Grosbeak Caryothraustes canadensis
Green Honeycreeper Chlorophanes spiza
Purple Honeycreeper Cyanerpes caeruleus
Red-legged Honeycreeper Cyanerpes cyaneus
Blue Dacnis Dacnis cayana
Black-faced Dacnis Dacnis lineata
Buff-throated Saltator Saltator maximus
Bananaquit Coereba flaveola
Blue-black Grassquit Volatinia jacarina
Flame-crested Tanager Loriotus cristatus
Fulvous-crested Tanager Tachyphonus surinamus
Silver-beaked Tanager Ramphocelus carbo
Lined Seedeater Sporophila lineola
Wing-barred Seedeater Sporophila americana
Yellow-bellied Seedeater Sporophila nigricollis
Chestnut-bellied Seed Finch Sporophila angolensis
Chestnut-bellied Seedeater Sporophila castaneiventris
Pearly-breasted Conebill Conirostrum margaritae
Orange-fronted Yellow Finch Sicalis columbiana
Red-capped Cardinal Paroaria gularis
Spotted Tanager Ixothraupis punctata
Blue-grey Tanager Thraupis episcopus
Palm Tanager Thraupis palmarum
Turquoise Tanager Tangara mexicana
Paradise Tanager Tangara chilensis