Lesser Sundas Tour Report 2017
2nd July - 19th July 2017
Either for rarity value, excellent views or simply a group favourite.
Once again our Lesser Sundas tour provided a fantastic opportunity to see over 90 Indonesian endemics, including some of the most localized and range-restricted species on the planet. Our tour commenced on Sumba where we pretty much cleaned up on all of the endemics including great looks at Little Sumba Boobook, Mees’s Nightjar, Sumba Hornbill, Sumba Myzomela and others. Next up was Rote Island where we saw Rote Boobook, Rote Myzomela and the distinctive Rote Leaf-Warbler, plus a number of other ‘Timor’ endemics as well. Back on Timor we nailed Timor Boobook, Black-banded Flycatcher and Orange-banded Thrush before setting off to the beautiful island of Flores. Our attempts at Flores Scops-Owl proved rather fruitful with point-blank views that none of us will ever forget, and there was also Flores Hawk-Eagle, more Elegant Pittas, and the dawn chorus of Bare-throated Whistlers just has to be experienced. We finished off with a speedboat visit to Komodo Island where we enjoyed some close dragons and Yellow-crested Cockatoos to round off a spectacular tour.