With everyone arriving a day early we had a really nice rest this morning, not leaving the hotel until after I had picked up the rental van and returning to the hotel at 10am. It wasn’t the best hotel in the world but it served a purpose, but what was good (and you have to be a birder to appreciate this) was we were only 1.9kms away from a Green-throated Carib stakeout that had been producing superlative looks at this tricky species for the past few weeks. It wouldn’t still be there, would it? Oh yes baby it was! No sooner had we exited the minibus we were watching a pair feeding amidst a large flowering tree right next to our parked vehicle. We enjoyed repeated views of this cracking hummer (and is there ever such a thing as a bad hummer?), which seemed to be doing a circuit of the surrounding area and returning to its favourite tree every ten minutes or so. We also saw our first Puerto Rican Spindalis, Red-legged Thrush and tried hard to ignore the ubiquitous Greater Antillean Grackles all around us.
Leaving here we drove around 30 minutes to El Yunque, arriving at the worst time of day, and it showed as we struggled to get on anything for a while. Eventually, Puerto Rican Loggerhead Kingbirds were admitted to our fledgeling island list, along with Grey Kingbirds, a single Northern Parula and a Magnificent Frigatebird. Oh I forgot to mention the driveby flock of Caribbean Martins seen by a few of us as we drove along the motorway en-route. A very brief Puerto Rican Mango (split from Antillean Mango allegedly) didn’t make it onto our lists due to the ultra brief sighting, although I did note it had a black belly and the mantle seemed to be a light gold colour in the sun…. So giving this up as a bad lot we drove down and visited a nice little restaurant where we spent way too much time, no doubt due to the cold beer being consumed by my group! However, it was worthwhile for our first sighting of Puerto Rican Oriole and Puerto Rican Woodpecker, some showy Zenaida Doves, along with a group of Smooth-billed Anis. This little lot really gave us an adrenaline surge so we headed over to Las Croabas where our search for Antillean Crested Hummingbird drew a blank, but we did have Venezualian Troupial, another oriole and woodpecker, as well as Common Ground Dove. By now it was 4.30pm and we drove the two hours to Cambalache Forest, but our journey was prolonged by a long tailback just the other side of San Juan, but during the drive we did see an Osprey and a flock of Cave Swallows. Arriving at dusk, it was too late for any other birding apart from a stab at Puerto Rican Owl, which was our aim anyway. We heard two individuals but try as we might the forest was just too dense, despite getting rather close on one occasion. Oh well, we’d save that one for later! Our digs for the night were a little quirky but the restaurant did us proud with a very nice meal and we were tucked up in bed by 10.00pm ready for a big day tomorrow.


With sunrise not until 06:45 it felt like a lie-in, not meeting at the minibus until 06:30 and a short 25 minute drive to Rio Abajo was over before we knew it. This is a fantastic birding site and incredibly we found at least 4 Puerto Rican Amazons quite easily as they were calling and constantly moving over the road and perching to feed on fruits in plain sight. Ok so one had a radio transmitter and one definitely had some rings/bands but this is the main reintroduction site for this incredibly rare species and we thoroughly enjoyed seeing them. In fact our couple of hours was a bird-fest from start to finish as we had our first Puerto Rican Tody perched up and calling right beside the road – it was just a shame it was too gloomy at this early hour to get a record shot. Oh well….! After the amazon experience we stayed for quite a while at a clearing where we saw several Puerto Rican Vireos, a Puerto Rican Emerald put in a couple of appearances, Lars found an Adelaide’s Warbler, we saw another Northern Parula and an American Redstart was seen. We followed this with Puerto Rican Spindalis glowing in the canopy, and lastly a Puerto Rican Flycatcher was seen well. We’d also had a Broad-winged Hawk perched up too. Just around the corner we glimpsed our first Puerto Rican Bullfinch high up in the canopy, but then found several more with one particularly obliging individual being seen just before a Puerto Rican Lizard Cuckoo decided to appear right next to Lars! This beast then started to sun itself with outstretched wings and a fanned tail whilst we drooled over the views. The only slight disappointment was a Puerto Rican/Lesser Antillean Pewee never stayed around long enough for everyone apart from me to see.
Leaving here we returned to the hotel, had a nice breakfast and then packed up the minibus and drove around 20 minutes to some cliffs where the hoped-for White-tailed Tropicbirds performed admirably. En-route a flock of Cattle Egrets, some Glossy Ibis, Killdeer, Red-tailed Hawk and a Sharp-shinned Hawk were all nice padders. At the cliffs we saw up to ten tropicbirds flying over the ocean, with a few coming reasonably close. With our eyes to the skies we scored a few Caribbean Martins amongst the numerous Cave Swallows, as well as huge Brown Pelicans and Magnificent Frigatebirds, plus a pair of American Oystercatchers flew by. Following this, a quick stop to collect our picnic lunch and a fuel stop were made before the 90 minute drive to our next hotel. This was when we hit a tropical downpour that lasted most of the rest of the day. Roads became rivers and the winding route through the hills became a little torturous to say the least. I was mightily relieved to arrive at our wonderful accommodation in the hills not far from Bosque Estatal Maricao. Upon arrival we headed into the restaurant for coffee as the torrential downpour still hadn’t abated, much to everyone’s frustration. We were reduced to scanning from the restaurant veranda until the rain eased and we could actually pick out a few Scaly-naped Pigeons perched up in the forest below. Fortunately the rain did stop briefly, allowing us to offload the luggage from the minibus without getting drenched, but we had to endure several more showers. We were actually getting quite good at dodging them! In between bursts of rain we found a much-wanted Puerto Rican Tanager that allowed fine scope views but it didn’t make it look any prettier! A pair of Venezuelan Troupials positively glowed in the canopy of a cecropia, a Green Mango gave repeated views beside the restaurant, a Magnolia Warbler was found and we ended the day with a Puerto Rican Owl. Nice!


So this was just one of those days that show the ups and downs we birders have to endure for our passion. We began up at Maricao, some 300m higher in elevation that our current hotel. That makes all the difference if you’re an Elfin Woods Warbler, as the habitat is subtly different and yes, there is smaller, dwarf-type vegetation here, but I’ve never seen the warbler in those smaller trees tbh! We arrived at 6.45am and it took a good 90 minutes before we layed eyes on the wee blighter but after what seemed an eternity we had excellent looks at this pretty endemic. Puerto Rican Tanagers are common up here as well and we saw plenty during our warbler vigil along the road, and we also picked up a Bay-breasted Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Northern Parula, several Green Mango’s, as well as Puerto Rican Bullfinch, Puerto Rican Tody, Puerto Rican Spindalis, and the local race of Loggerhead Kingbird. We walked a little bit along a nearby trail and nailed our main target of Lesser Antillean/Puerto Rican Pewee. But alas….no euphonia.
Breakfast back at the ranch was excellent and we hung around a while in the vain hope of seeing the euphonia before heading back up to Maricao, stopping to check another euphonia site and only finding a migrant Rose-breasted Grosbeak. The forest was deathly quiet up here as it was now nearly midday, so we drove down to the lowlands and over to the far side of Cabo Rojo. Here, some really fab lagoons held nearly 50 White-cheeked Pintails, along with Great Blue Heron, 100+ Stilt Sandpipers, several Lesser Yellowlegs, Semipalmated Plover, Killdeer, Belted Kingfisher and lots of Black-necked Stilts. Walking along the beach trail we scoped some Royal Terns, found an obliging Mangrove Cuckoo, as well as Prairie Warbler, many Grey Kingbirds and David C found a Lesser Antillean/ Puerto Rican Mango. We left here just as the heavens opened for the second afternoon running and called in to La Parguera where we searched for Yellow-shouldered Blackbird despite the rain. A Yellow Warbler, Greater Yellowlegs, Spotted Sandpiper and a Yellow-crowned Night-heron were scant compensation and with more heavy rain dogging us, drove just 15 minutes to our next hotel. After dinner we drove 7 minutes away and were treated to fantastic views of a Puerto Rican Nightjar hovering right overhead on two occasions before finding one perched in the bushes. What a great way to finish the day, more than making up for missing the blackbird…. At the moment!

I wasn’t sure how today would pan out and in all truth it didn’t start too well as we searched for the endemic Yellow-shouldered Blackbird by walking along the mosquito-ridden Mangrove Trail in La Parguera. No blackbirds of course but Northern Waterthrush, Prairie Warbler and the endemic Adelaide’s Warbler showing well for everyone. About an hour later we eventually nailed the tricky blackbird when David C spotted 4 flying past us and perching a bit distantly in the treetops, but what a relief I can tell you!
So we hot-footed it back just in time to the hotel for breakfast before heading up into the dry forest of Guanica where I’d been doing some research and it seems the tricky Antillean (Puerto Rican) Euphonia has sometimes been seen… Not often but a few times over the past ten years. Long odds I know but I didn’t fancy driving back up the winding lanes to Maricao tomorrow. Anyway, a Pearly-eyed Thrasher showed well in the car park as we set off on the long, hot and uneven trail into the dry forest. Adelaide’s Warbler was numerous, as was Puerto Rican Tody, and we also saw a pair of Puerto Rican Bullfinches but I was on a mission. We had walked just about halfway along our chosen trail when I heard the unmistakeable call of an Antillean Euphonia and we managed to track a group of at least 3 down, with one particular male stopping in a large tree next to the trail for a good few minutes. I just couldn’t believe it and what an adrenaline rush to finally see this last endemic/race. Oh yes life is good! Walking on and buoyed by our success we managed to get on a calling Caribbean Elaenia in the dense vegetation before returning to the minibus.
Leaving here it was about 40 minutes drive to Laguna Cartagena, seeing our first Yellow-faced Grassquits en-route – and what a time we had from the tower overlooking the main lagoon. Best of all were half a dozen West Indian Whistling Ducks, along with a few Least Grebes and 4 Ring-necked Ducks – something of a rarity here. Other goodies included Purple Gallinule, 8 American Wigeons, lots of Blue-winged Teal, many Ruddy Ducks, a Sora for David C, Black-crowned Night-heron, Glossy Ibis, Osprey, Glossy Ibis and other common species.
From here we headed over to Cabo Rojo but the gate was just being closed to the lighthouse as we arrived at 5pm so stopped to look at a flock of Stilt Sandpipers just to annoy the guard! As we were there a flock of Least Sandpipers flew in and landed right in front of us. Another access road into Cabo Rojo was good as we stopped on the approach road and birded the grass and acacia scrub where we had the bizarre combination of Indigo Bunting, Black-faced Grassquit, Orange-cheeked Waxbill and a few Red Bishops skulking in the scrub, with Venezuelan Troupials serenading us from the treetops. A White-crowned Pigeon perched up nearby (again found by David C who was on fire today), and a pesky couple of Grasshopper Sparrows called away but failed to show. Out on the lagoons a flock of 100+ mixed ‘peeps’ held mainly Least Sandpipers, with several Westerns and one or two Semipalmated Sandpipers mixed in to round off quite a good day, despite missing lunch – sorry Gordon!


So with all major targets done and dusted here in Puerto Rico we had a ‘spare’ day to simply go birding and try and mop up some more of what’s on offer…. We began by checking out the Lajas Fields, with the first road impassable due to the recent heavy rain, but the second road was much better. A Grasshopper Sparrow was seen very well perched in some bare branches at the edge of a field beside the track and was certainly much appreciated by Lars. As we drove back to the main road we passed a pair of African Collared Doves and a flock of around 20 non-breeding Pin-tailed Whydahs….. Where are we again?
Next up were the lagoons at Cabo Rojo again, but this time we were looking into the sun, so drove further along the track where a pair of ‘Caribbean’ Clapper Rails paraded around right beside our van and showed extraordinarily well. Wow! The track swung away to our left and eventually ended at the back of the lagoon, allowing us much better light to scope the large flock of shorebirds. Our only Hudsonian Whimbrel and a Grey Plover were passed as we drove in as well. Out on the lagoon we scoped mainly Least Sandpipers and could pick out a few Western Sandpipers, whilst a Wilson’s Plover and some Sanderling were scoped just before a Merlin dashed onto the scene and chased an unfortunate peep across the sky in front of us, forcing the flock to wheel and turn in the sky making for an amazing spectacle. A couple of Little Blue Herons were also scoped here and a pair of Caribbean Elaenia’s were far more obliging than yesterday’s birds. A bumpy, uncomfortable drive to the lighthouse at Cabo Rojo was rewarded with stunning views of several White-tailed Tropicbirds wheeling around the cliffs. And one pair landed briefly allowing us to scope them. Wow! After breakfast we drove an hour east and visited the Antillean Crested Hummingbird stake-out where within minutes of our arrival we were watching at least 3 of these stunners feeding right in front of us. After our poor result on the first day we were elated with our success! A sudden downpour prompted an early exit and we headed to Humacao on the east coast, where the reserve was shut of course (at 3.30pm can you believe it?) and all we got for our efforts was a Brown Booby out at sea after a search for White-winged Parakeet, which drew a blank.
We toasted our success tonight with beer and mojitos and looked forward to the next leg of our journey….


This was just a travelling day and we even had a lie in as we didn’t leave for San Juan Airport until 9am. Our flight to Punta Cana was delayed and we didn’t touch down in the Dominican Republic until 4.30pm, to be greeted by a wall of noise from a local band and an airport buzzing with a multitude of people. Our first endemic Palmchats outside the car rental centre were very much appreciated by everyone and a well-timed boost. The only other bird of note was an Antillean Swift seen on the drive, which saw us arrive at the equally bizarre and delightful Altos de Cano Hondo in the dark at 8.30pm - after a few wrong turns. But a few beers later and we were all ready for what tomorrow would bring….. more lifers!

Up and out for 7am in search of Ridgway’s Hawk. We headed over to the usual area where we heard the hawk in the distance behind a dense woodland which we couldn’t navigate around due to the stream becoming a torrential river due to recent heavy rains. As we scanned the surrounding area we picked up Hispaniolan Woodpecker, many Palmchats, Hispaniolan Mango, Black-crowned Palm Tanager, Vervain Hummingbird, and watched a White-necked Crow uttering its raucous and more than slightly comical call.
At breakfast the heavens opened and the first of many heavy showers put in an appearance. This was all well and good whilst we were at the lodge having breakfast but once out in the field we had to take shelter many times. On top of that, we had to wade up to our knees numerous times to reach the clearing where a Ridgway’s Hawk was hanging out, thanks to the knowledge of local guide Juan Cespedes. And what views we had of this super rarity – flying overhead and landing in a tree right next to us. In fact it was present the whole time we birded the large clearing where West Indian Whistling Duck, a cracking Antillean Piculet posed nicely for ages, Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Parula, American Redstart and a fine Cape May Warbler were all seen well. Not a bad haul and there was much relief all round at seeing the hawk, in fact we had a thoroughly enjoyable time despite getting soaked with numerous extremely heavy showers and wading through the river and across the flooded field. We returned to the quirky hotel to dry off and had an hour or so until lunch.
In the late afternoon after a siesta we walked down the lane into the open area and beside the fields where we found a pair of Hispaniolan Lizard Cuckoos posing beside the road. Another cracking Cape May Warbler was at eye-level feeding in a tree, with a Broad-billed Tody close by. We also found a flock of Village Weavers mixing with a colony of Palmchats. Next to us was a tall ‘stump’ of a palm tree with numerous holes in it being inhabited by 7 male and a female Hispaniolan Woodpeckers. We walked up behind the lodge but couldn’t find anything else new, but did enjoy some very close perched Turkey Vultures (so ugly!) and another tody. So we decided to have an early dinner – must admit fitting in 3 sit-down hotel meals into my stomach in a day is not easy!
After dinner we drove back along the entrance road and enjoyed crippling views of Ashy-faced Owl to make it a 10 endemic day!


This was mainly a travelling day as we drove for around 8 hours to Villa Barrancoli, our base for the next 3 nights. The first section of the journey was not pleasant as the road went through numerous small villages complete with the unsufferable speed bumps and in parts, the road was more pothole than tarmac. But after a couple of hours we made it on to the main highway and all was good, with Antillean Palm Swifts and a Peregrine Falcon the only birds of note. We stopped for lunch in Bani and brought provisions for the next few days in a big supermarket there, eventually arriving at Villa Barrancoli around 4pm. Kate Wallace was there to greet us and after introductions and figuring out how the water system works we were walking along the famous Rabo de Gato Trail. Kate informed us that the Hispaniola region was suffering a long-standing drought and that White-fronted Quail-Dove and Bay-breasted Cuckoo just weren’t around. Bugger! But we’re not the sort of folks to give up without a fight..! Practically the first birds we found was our first Hispaniolan Pewee and the endemic Flat-billed Vireo in the same tree. The only other birds of note were a Palm Warbler and a pair of Black-crowned Palm Tanagers. That would have to do for today, so we returned to the lodge and enjoyed a fine evening meal. So…. Villa Barrancoli… What can you say. In my opinion it is delightful. Rustic but delightful. We had hot showers, flushing toilets, good food and birds in the garden. It’s nothing plush and it is designed for birders. The cabins are a bit on the small side when there’s two people sharing one but it is ok. We even had an extra night here from the normal couple that most groups do and everyone thought it was fine.


Well I can honestly say that the day up in the Sierra de Bahorucco at Zapoten lived up to all expectations. From the hell-ride up the most uncomfortable trail most of us had ever experienced to the plethora of amazing specialities we laid eyes on. What a day! It began in darkness at 4am when we were picked up in a couple of 4-wheel drive vehicles and headed up the horrible road that was more like a dry riverbed littered with boulders and jagged rocks. Not nice! After a couple of hours we stopped when Raphael, our local guide, heard an Ashy-faced Owl calling and we jumped out of the cars and found our second owl devouring a large furry creature in a tree below the track. It didn’t take long from here to get to La Selle Corner and we parked just uphill from that spot. The day had just turned and the horizon was getting slowly lighter but looking down the track in the gloom we waited for any sign of movement. After what seemed like an eternity a bird hopped out into the middle of the track….. “La Selle Thrush” Raphael said but we couldn’t see any details, even through the scope. A few minutes passed and the light got better and we could see an orange-rufous colour on the underparts, and so La Selle Thrush was added to our life lists. But then a second bird appeared on the track – Bicknell’s Thrush. Brilliant!
We started walking down the track but didn’t get far before a burst of activity in the trees next to us revealed itself as Hispaniolan Trogon. Not one. Not two but at least 3 individuals. As we watched these, a Rufous-throated Solitaire was found and the scope views were superb. At one point a La Selle Thrush appeared right next to the solitaire, and then a Hispaniolan/Antillean Euphonia was found, followed by a Greater Antillean Pewee that literally seemed to follow us up and down the track. Returning to the cars we had our picnic breakfast and were entertained with our first Green-tailed Warbler, along with Hispaniolan Emerald, several Hispaniolan Woodpeckers, and a few previously seen American wood warblers.
So continuing our walk uphill we quickly nailed one of our most wanted species, Western Chat-Tanager with a pair moving across the hillside above us. They never came out into the open but we were able to watch them for a couple of minutes. We’d already had brief views before breakfast but they weren’t really tickable so these views were superb. Then the first of a few White-winged Warblers decided to cross the track and skulk close by, allowing everyone to enjoy perfect views eventually. More Green-tailed Warblers showed before we had our first decent looks at a superb Narrow-billed Tody. In fact we saw the tody several times along this section of the track and as we tracked one of them down a Hispaniolan Spindalis was spotted above us – this was one of only two sightings of this species during the whole trip here in Dominican Republic. We also saw Antillean Piculet, Black-crowned Palm Tanager, Hispaniolan Pewee, Black-and-white Warbler, Northern Parula, Black-throated Blue Warbler and several Cape May Warblers.
But we still had a few birds to find so drove lower to an area of pines where Hispaniolan Crossbill usually resides. We didn’t get any response to the call here so began walking lower, finding our only Antillean Siskin of the trip right beside the road, a brief Hispaniolan Emerald, and eventually we found 3 Hispaniolan Crossbills. Phew! Several Pine Warblers were feeding very close to the ground and yet more American wood warblers were seen, with a Loggerhead Kingbird calling in the distance. So we drove lower, targeting Bay-breasted Cuckoo. We stopped numerous times, played the call but failed to get a response. A pair of Hispaniolan Lizard Cuckoos came in one time I was playing the other cuckoo’s call, and we did get mind-blowing views of a male Hispaniolan Euphonia and a Loggerhead Kingbird as well, but not a lot else. So we decided to return to Villa Barrancoli and walk along the Rabo de Gato Trail once again.
This was a good move as it turned out as we found a few Hispaniolan Orioles feeding in a large flowering tree. Further on a few Hispaniolan Parakeets were spotted feeding nearby, and there was also Stolid Flycatcher, Flat-billed Vireo, Greater Antillean Bullfinch, Broad-billed Tody, Mangrove Cuckoo, Palm Warbler (and several other American wood warblers we’d seen numerous times), and a White-necked Crow. David T also saw a Key West Quail Dove too.
In the evening we headed out to look for Least Poorwill and Hispaniolan Nightjar. In windy conditions we heard both species, and saw a Northern Potoo and a Burrowing Owl. At the end of the day we’d seen 22 Hispaniolan endemics. Wow!


Headed out at first light (roughly 06:45am) and drove along the Rabo de Gato Trail in our minibus for a few kilometres to a place where 2 Belgian birders had found a Bay-breasted Cuckoo yesterday. This was our most-wanted bird and knowing how difficult this species is to see in a normal year, let alone during this drought, we were ultra-keen to find it. Sure enough at the designated GPS spot I played the call once and up popped the cuckoo onto a bare branch some way off in the forest. Wow! It remained there for maybe a minute before dropping back down and out of sight. Amazing! So we continued walking further along the trail and stumbled across a wet area of forest caused by a leaking pipe. Whilst here, a guy came and started a generator to operate a water pump and the water started flowing and the large pipe had numerous leaks, one of which was designed to create what was in effect a stream. This area held numerous Key West Quail-Doves (maybe 4 or 5 pairs) and after much searching a White-fronted Quail-Dove, just walking along the forest floor some 40 yards away. Naturally there was panic as we all tried to secure this perfect tickable view, but we all did and there were high fives all round. This damper section of forest was also to the liking of maybe half a dozen Ovenbirds, as well as Hispaniolan Lizard Cuckoo, Black-crowned Palm Tanager and Greater Antillean Bullfinch.
Returning to Villa Barrancoli for a late breakfast we had really nice views of a Hispaniolan Mango feeding on the flowers around the breakfast area. A male Hispaniolan Emerald also put in an appearance and we’d see it a few more times before we’d leave tomorrow as well. So after breakfast I decided to take a chance and go over to Lago Enrequillo for some Hispaniolan Palm Crows reported recently. Boy it was hot. So hot! At the first location we drew a blank so we decided to find a track down to the water and luckily one such path took us to a goat farm where I randomly played the call and several Palm Crows flew in and landed close by. After watching them for a bit we drove further along and found another track down to the water where we walked through a patch of tall thorn scrub and it seemed there had been a fall of warblers with Ovenbird, Northern Parulas everywhere, Black-throated Blue, Palm, Common Yellowthroat and American Redstart. Along the shoreline were a few shorebirds such as Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Least Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper, and a group of Least Sandpipers. Numerous dead trees out in the water were being used as perches for an Osprey, and both Tricoloured and Great Blue Herons.
Upon return to Villa Barrancoli we saw the Hispaniolan Emerald again before driving back to the same wet area of forest from this morning but drew a blank on any quail-doves, but did hear the Bay-breasted Cuckoo. So not a bad day so far. Later this evening we went out after the poorwill and nightjar but despite hearing numerous Hispaniolan Nightjars we just couldn’t locate one in the dense thorn scrub.


Set out early on the long drive to Pedernales, down in the south-west corner of Dominican Republic and very close to the border with Haiti. Our first stop was a bit of a mess as we ended up falling foul of the local park ranger at Laguna Rincon for not purchasing entry tickets. Who knew? Shame as it looked a decent area and we heard Spotted Rail, saw flocks of Village Weavers, Belted Kingfisher, a Green Heron and a bunch of other previously seen species. So we got out of there and visited Laguna Oviedo, deciding to take a boat trip out onto the lake despite the windy conditions. I’m honestly not sure if it’s worth doing this boat ride again as it takes a good hour’s journey across the lake to get to the best birding area. Still, it’s a good place for American Flamingo, with over 75 seen, along with Reddish Egret, Little Blue Heron, Common, Caspian and Royal Terns, and a few Laughing Gulls. Flocks of shorebirds were present and it was a little tricky manoeuvring the boat to get a decent view of them but eventually and with some persistence we were able to see Short-billed Dowitcher, Semipalmated Plover, Stilt Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstone, Sanderling, Least and Western Sandpipers, and a Red Knot. I must admit I was grateful when we returned to the small quay and continue driving…!
We then headed to Cabo Rojo and we wanted to be in position for a seawatch in the evening as this is where Black-capped Petrels sometimes congregate before flying inland to their nesting burrows – some of them breed up at Zapoten, high up in the Sierra de Bahorucco. Well, we eventually worked out how to get up to the headland as you can’t drive up there due to a barrier across the road. Once at the right spot we set up scopes and…….well there were distant pteradroma-types constantly breaking the horizon but you couldn’t really say they were Black-capped Petrels so we’ll have to save that one for another trip! There were Brown Pelicans, White-tailed Tropicbirds, Magnificent Frigatebirds, Brown Boobies, and cliff nesting Cave Swallows and Antillean Palm Swifts to keep us entertained, with a very confiding Hispaniolan Mango feeding on the cactus flowers right next to us.
All that was left was to drive 25 minutes into Pedernales to a nice little hotel and it was in walking distance of a great restaurant where we enjoyed some nice cold cervezas and a delicious meal.


We left in the early hours in order to give ourselves plenty of time to search for those pesky nightbirds we were still missing. Well, we didn’t get a sniff of either species until just at sunrise, when we were high up the Alcoa Road and had parked up amongst some conifers, when a Hispaniolan Nightjar responded to the tape and flew over a couple of us before disappearing into the forest. Unfortunately, most of the group were still getting out of the minibus at the time…..! Anyway, this spot seemed like a good place for breakfast and it also had a couple distant Hispaniolan Crossbills and a Hispaniolan Euphonia as well. We were looking for the endemic Golden Swallow, which breeds up here in the abandoned quarries that seem to be everywhere. Despite that we really had to search for this bird and maybe 2 hours later finally found a pair that appeared to be nesting in a hole at the top of a cliff. We were treated to great views as they flew around us and there was much relief all round, especially for yours truly as I was back at the minibus when the birds first appeared! We also saw several Myrtle Warblers up here, as well as another group of Hispaniolan Palm Crows.
Dropping back down to the lowlands, we returned to the hotel and picked up our luggage and then drove out to Cabo Rojo once more, but didn’t find anything new. One pool held white-morph Reddish Egret and Little Blue Heron, with a bunch of Snowy Egrets but that was it. Any chance of a Double-striped Thick-Knee would have required a time machine I think! So we drove a few hours up to Barahona and our clifftop hotel, before heading out for poorwills once again in the evening and getting the same result. Nothing!

It was absolutely bucketing down, raining cats and dogs, torrential downpour – however you want to describe this morning. In a couple of 4-wheel drive vehicles we ascended the Cachote Road for our last gettable endemic – Eastern Chat-Tanager. The rain never stopped as we drove up and on arriving at the appropriate spot it continued. With umbrella in hand and despite the foul weather, we very quickly nailed this endemic. The bird showed incredibly well in the driving rain and mist and I think we were very lucky to have had such views. What followed was what I can only describe as a farce really, but that’s another story and after the required amount of phaffing and miscommunication with our local drivers we drove back to the hotel, seeing not a lot apart from one particularly bright male Cape May Warbler. And that was our birding done. I just had to drive 4 hours back to Santo Domingo and our airport hotel, calling into the airport to get the required Covid test for our flights back to Europe via the states tomorrow. And the tour concluded over a few cervezas this evening. Well done chaps!